Proverbs 31: 8-9: “Speak out on behalf of the voiceless and for the rights of all who are vulnerable.”
We’re raising our voices and putting our faith into action! On Thursday, April 11, Habitat staff, homeowners, volunteers and faith partners from across North Carolina attended the annual Legislative Day event. This event brings Habitat supporters and leaders together to rally and encourage state legislators to support affordable housing. This year, our Habitat Wake team met with 18 lawmakers to urge their support for favorable housing policies and programs.
“It was a great time,” Habitat Wake faith volunteer Carl Breazele said. “I especially enjoyed talking with Mary Katherine [Habitat Wake homebuyer].”
Several faith volunteers joined teams of three or more to connect with House and Senate representatives to discuss their faith motivation for speaking on behalf of the voiceless and to share how good affordable housing impacts the lives of Habitat families.
“It was an honor to be doing this with members of the faith community,” Habitat Wake VP of Faith Relations Rick Beech humbly said. “It was fun being with everyone and the right thing for us faith people to do!”
We also held our annual Senate vs. House Hammer contest on Halifax Mall. This year’s contest winner Representative Steve Jarvis set a Habitat Wake record for hammering a nail in just .98 seconds!
"Thank you to our Advocacy Director here at Habitat Wake, Rachel Zeitler, for helping to organize an event that pulled together volunteers, the community, and state lawmakers," Sarah Adams, Habitat Wake Communications Director said. "Everyone's support and involvement in the conversation about affordable housing in our area will make a big difference for the 1 in 4 people looking for safe and affordable places to call home."
Pictured (left to right): Becky Burmester, Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church; Diane Steinbeiser, The Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi; Rick Beech, Habitat Wake VP of Faith Relations
Pictured (left to right): Diane Steinbeiser; Neil Cornwell, Board Member & NC State Habitat Chapter President; Keena Johnson, Habitat Wake homeowner